How It Works
Lactic Acid (CAS no. 50-21-5): 0.360% w/w.
Tartaric Acid (CAS no. 87-69-4): 0.616% w/w.
Peppermint Oil (CAS no. 8006-90-4): 0.099% w/w.
Lavender Oil (CAS no. 8000-28-0): 0.099% w/w.
UK Authorisation Holder: AmDel Medical Ltd (UK-2018-1168)
123a Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 2DD
EU Authorisation Holder: Wiping Systems ApS (EU-0020556-0002)
Mileparken 10 D, DK-2740 Skovlunde, Denmark
What is MedibLU UDF?
MedibLU UDF (Unique Disinfection Formula) is a revolutionary organic all-in-1 biocide for surface, air, skin and instrument disinfection for all environments.
MedibLU is plant based and made of four active substances:
- Lactic Acid is anorganic acid deprived from glucose in industry has antiviral and anti bacteria properties.
- Tartaric Acid is a white crystalline dicarboxylic acid found in many plant, particularly tamarinds and grapes.
- Lavender Oil, deprived from Lavender plant, has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects.
- Peppermint Oil, deprived from peppermint plant, exhibits antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activities.
Why is MedibLU UDF unique?
MedibLU UDF is medical-grade quality disinfectant and approved under Simplified Authorisation as it has a favourable profile to environmental, human and animal health.
It’s powerful with broad spectrum and prevents pathogen mutation. It is an all-in-1 biocide for high- and low-level disinfection that can replace approximately 93% conventional products with substances of concern.
It kills 99.999% of all bacteria in 1 minute, and all viruses in 2 minutes with 24-hour residual protection, kills yeast in 5 minutes and mycobacteria in 10 minutes.
It contains no substance of concern and has no hazard warnings. It’s skin, food and animal safe, does not require PPE and is not corrosive to surfaces.
Take environmental risk assessment for example, 256kgs per day in the same place are allowed directly in sewer.
How does MedibLU UDF work?
MedibLU UDF products has a patented combination of BPR Annex 1 biocides and co-formulants which simultaneously offers a two-pronged attack towards different pathogens.
BIOCIDE ACIDS, Lactic and tartaric acids – all organic carboxylic acid which gives a different profile in the attack on many pathogens. Tartaric acid is especially suited for yeast and fungal kill. Acids also provide synergistic enhancement of performance which enable very low concentrations.
BIOCIDE ESSENTIAL OILS, peppermint and lavender – reduce surface tension to
penetrate cells walls and membranes (permeability). Once inside the cell the essential oils possess
up to 60 antimicrobial compounds (terpenes, terpenoids, aldehydes, alcohols and other),
which disrupt enzyme activity with the cell.Co-formulants – are necessary as they optimize the up-take and efficacy of the biocides while offer biocompatibility without reducing efficacy.
Biocides attack. Co-formulant support
The active substances of MedibLU permeate through the organisms’ cell wall. Once Inside the cell pH drops rapidly by acid dissociation, and acid hydrolysis kills everything by inactivating proteins, enzymes and cell structures – which does not allow development of resistance.
Is MedibLU patented?
MedibLU technology and mode of action is protected by a number of global patens.
What is Simplified Authorisation?
MedibLU UDF is approved by UK HSE under Simplified Authorisation (No.: UK-2018-1168).
To be eligible for the Simplified Authorisation procedure a biocidal product must comply with all conditions:
- all the active substances contained in the biocidal product appear in Annex I of the BPR and comply with the specified restrictions
- the biocidal product does not contain any substance of concern
- the biocidal product does not contain any nanomaterials
- the biocidal product is sufficiently effective
- the handling of the biocidal product and its intended use do not require personal protective equipment
MedibLU is probably the first broad-spectrum biocidal product – not classified, yet highly effective, disinfection product in the world which has a Simplified Authorisation (UK)!
What EN Standards apply to MedibLU UDF?
A vast and wide range of EN Standards apply to MedibLU covering bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, mycobacteria and spores.
Who tests MedibLU?
MedibLU UDF’s efficacy has been tested by highly respected independent test houses and organisations both UK and internationally including Hy-Gen, Melbec Microbiology and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
Does MedibLU contain hazardous substances?
Conventional disinfection products contain substances of concern and carry hazard warnings which are shown on products using hazard pictograms to alert us to the presence of harmful chemicals.
Also, the increased long-term use of QUATs based products could cause fertility issues, endocrine disruption, occupational asthma, marine toxicity and could also cause bacteria to become antibiotic resistant. It also requires waiting time and PPE wearing during application
MedibLU UDF approved under Simplified Authorisation contains no substance of concern and has no hazard warnings. It does not require PPE and is not hazardous or corrosive to skin, surface, food, animals or environment.